Control Upper Shaft Seat Retainer

About this product

The Control Upper Shaft Seat Retainer (#33517-30010), a Drive-Chassis part within the Control Shaft & Crossshaft system, plays a crucial role to maintain proper alignment and functional integrity of the control shaft. Its primary function is to secure the control shaft in its seat, preventing any unwanted movement or shifting during vehicle operation. This part, along with others in the system, contribute to the smooth operation of your vehicle. Over time, the Control Upper Shaft Seat Retainer (#33517-30010) can become worn or damaged, which might cause the control shaft to misalign or move freely, leading to possible vehicle handling issues or even component damage. Replacement with a genuine Toyota part ensures maximum compatibility and reliability, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Control Upper Shaft Seat Retainer (#33517-30010) significantly contributes to the safe and efficient operation of the Control Shaft & Crossshaft system, by ensuring the control shaft remains securely aligned within its seat.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33517-30010

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