Nlower Resistor

About this product

The Nlower Resistor (#87138-87004) is a critical electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Heater Unit & Blower system of a Toyota vehicle. Its main role is to regulate current to the blower motor, controlling the speed of the fan. This part, comprising various resistive wires and materials, adjusts the electrical resistance, thereby controlling the fan speed. Over time, this resistor may degrade or fail, leading to a malfunctioning or non-functioning blower motor, which can compromise the comfort and temperature regulation in your vehicle. Opting for genuine Toyota parts, like the Nlower Resistor (#87138-87004), not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also comes with the advantage of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-functioning Nlower Resistor (#87138-87004) contributes to an efficient heating and air conditioning system, maintaining optimal temperature inside your vehicle for comfortable and safe journeys.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87138-89004
Part Number 87138-87004

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