Parking Lock Cable Assembly

About this product

The Parking Lock Cable Assembly (#33880-0C010), a critical Drive-Chassis element in the Control Shaft & Crossshaft system, plays a vital role in maintaining effective vehicle operation. This assembly is responsible for locking your vehicle in place when you engage the parking brake, providing a necessary safeguard against accidental movement. Composed of a cable and connecting hardware, this assembly works by transmitting force from the parking brake lever to the parking brake shoe. Over time, the cable may fray or the assembly could become clogged or damaged, disrupting the parking brake's function. If ignored, this could lead to serious safety risks such as vehicle rollaway. It's essential to periodically replace this part with a genuine Toyota component to uphold compatibility and performance. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are always backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Parking Lock Cable Assembly (#33880-0C010) thus contributes significantly to the safe and efficient operation of your vehicle's parking system.